Menurut anda bagaimana cerita "Neverending Love Story"?

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

If You're Not "Jason"

I'm Lee Ji Eun, 22-year-old regular. school at Seoul University majoring in Journalism precise communication. during the 22 years I have never made one feel proud of me when I was accepted at the University of Seoul, the most prestigious universities in Korea.

Summer of that year, I get a job with the topic of "The Star Idol" Of course it makes the task of cranky. Not an iota of an idea to start a task that "How do I begin the paper I am?" I was never interested in following developments Showbitz world, I really was never interested in idol stars who rely solely on which I think looks mediocre. The most I do not understand why teenage girls get crazy like that?!

back to the main topic, No friend can I ask for help, the one person closest to me now is my lover. but now he was not in Korea. I can only contemplate, reflect and continue to reflect. weird I keep doing that for several days, sitting in front of the computer but not type 1 sentence. Luckily I only live alone, because my parents moved to America a year ago. I can not relocate because I prefer the life of Seoul.

Summer's first Sunday.

"UKS ... hot" that I wiped the sweat profusely. "Fuh .... everything is still the white paper," I snorted irritably as she threw a stack of blank paper on the table, my desk was a mess. she ruffled her hair I walked into the toilets. "... How Wuks this? Been almost 2 weeks 1 word I have not written it!" I lose myself into a tub of cold water, hoping to get an idea with a cool head.

idol returned to Korea in order to launch 2nd album

King idol returned to Korea in order to launch 2nd album

"King of Kings ....???? idol idol ????" I was really shocked to hear the news live. with the whole body is still wet I ran out to convince the news just now. "Did King idol they now?" my question is ridiculous. I do not care about all the silly questions I am, anyway no one will laugh at my stupidity because the room was just me alone. suddenly in my mind an idea of how I should start. with lightning and then I went to my laptop.

Crazy! Found them really very famous, I just typed Little Prince then came a series of lists that turned out to forums, articles & pictures of them. so many forums about them. I spent all day to get news about it. at the beginning I was like a newcomer who had known group called the Little Prince. I started it from their official website, record their profile to join a member forum.

When Daniel was in Korea, he would laugh at me, then he'll say "Lee Ji Eun Are you Crazy?"

I shook my head quickly "No he will understand, THIS JOB ONLY!" I tried to convince myself that I was still sane. I quickly rush back to me. It was the day I was sitting in front of the laptop to tamper with all the forums, but the result still is not getting anything, the forums & the article was not able to help. Everything just general news. Well, maybe my professor will say "Writing this cheap, I can read in any magazine. You're not kidding you want your paper to make this task as a task graduation!!" I quickly get rid of my mind.

"I need not research the news ..." I thought "What I should find Parttime job at the magazine or the television?" do not know where the idea suddenly appeared. I went back mensearch Part Time job available.

Part 2

"Na Young Min, have you found someone to replace you?"
Asked Min Ho Park, he looked worried.

"No, I do not think Yeon Mi will have an accident in times like this" said a woman who is pregnant, her eyes did not escape the LCD screen he seemed busy with something.

"Young Min, your son could be born at any time. What if your son ask to be born just as the concert?" Min Ho really worried, have a few days he was going to happen something "You do not take offense, but we cannot if we did not have a fashion stylist. You've always set the style of their clothes, even though I never doubted Yeon Mi ability but what happened with Yeon Mi "Min Ho ruffled his hair was already messy" she lay in hospital with lots of IVs in her body. I'm not going to wish he could go back to work for another month. at least in need half years to recover "Min Ho imagine how pathetic state of Mi Yeon now.

"Enough!" Young Min closed the laptop with the rough she was really upset to remark Min Ho, the man had been raving since 30 minutes ago "You think I wanted this to happen?! I also go wrong! I cannot be banned when my son was born, I also do not want the accident occurred. anyone who wants assistennya lying in hospital with lots of IVs in her body?! now I'm also looking for someone to replace the Yeon Mi! now what?! you're not helping me find a replacement even grumble Yeon Mi on! I dizzy enough! you do not make me get dizzy again! and you add to my troubles! you will not let me mention the name of Little Prince's time to find penganti Yeon Mi! if from the start I mentioned the name of Little Prince now I not only get 1 replacement Yeon Mi if you 10 I want to get even !!!!" Young Mi is really very, very upset with Min Ho.

Min Ho surprised "You do not get mad, have not I told you not to be offended" he tried to calm her "You're all sections, the content of this age you should be able to manage your emotions ..." his voice grew soft, Min Ho afraid that suddenly give birth without getting a replacement.

"after giving birth I'll find 3 people assistant" she is not clear, emotionally somewhat subsided, grabbing a laptop Young min out of the room.

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

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Lee Ji Eun
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